The development
of Qucs goes through several steps. The following table gives a
rough outline of these stages.
- Stage 5 - Design realization,
production, verification.
- Layout editor for PCB and chip.

- Layout tools: DRC, ERC, LVS, ...

- Monte Carlo simulation (device mismatch and process
mismatch) based on real technology data.

- Automated data aquisition from measurement equipment;
easy to use measurement setups.

- Stage 4 - Implementation of
industry standard device models.
- Implementation of BSIM series.

- Implementation of HICUM.

- Implementation of MEXTRAM.

- Implementation of VBIC.

- Implementation of EPFL-EKV.

- Stage 3 - Support for more
design- and synthesis tools.
- Attenuator design tool.

- Smith-Chart tool for noise and power matching.

- Filter synthesis tool.

- Improve interaction with other software (data

- Optimizer -- currently using ASCO.

- Transmission line calculator.

- Device model and subcircuit library manager.

- Stage 2 - Implementation of
powerful circuit analysis tools.
- EM field simulator.

- Transient simulation using convolution for devices
defined in the frequency domain.

- Digital simulation.

- Improvements in the GUI regarding usability and

- Large signal S-parameter simulation (LSSP) based on
harmonic balance.

- Symbolically defined devices.

- Verilog-AMS interface.

- Stage 1 - Setup a simple GUI and
a simulator.
- Support for multiple languages.

- Support for standard types of simulations. Each of
them implemented in the simulation backend. Communication
between GUI and simulator using files or pipes.
- S-Parameter

- AC

- DC

- Transient

- Harmonic Balance

- AC Noise

- S-Parameter Noise

- Create data representation visualisations (diagrams).

- Implement an easy to use schematic editor.

indicates that nothing or very little effort has
been made.
indicates availability.
Green text is currently worked
on or even finished.
Blue text is future work.
We are looking for people who can help us with the
following things. If you have even a slight idea about one of
these, then please (subscribe and) contact us at
model of microstrip cross junction
- writing tutorials about how to use Qucs or design guides,
see here for details
- import/export filters for datasets, netlists schematics
of other EDA software
- creation of example schematics
- maintenance of the Debian package on a regular basis
- variable step-size coefficients for Adams-Bashford
(implicit multi-step integrator)
- paint logos and icons for the GUI
- checking Qucs to compile and run on a variety of systems
and platforms
- translation of the GUI and the internal help system
- filter transformations: LC filters to microstrip and/or
active filters
- coplanar models for non-zero metalization thickness
- publications and/or help for harmonic balance noise
- EM field simulator (something like ADS Momentum)
- synthesis tools, e.g.
attenuators, active
- implementation of transmission lines for transient
- implementations of non-linear models like MOSFETs
digital simulation engine via VHDL -- decided to
use FreeHDL for now
- regression test framework and initial test cases for the
simulation engine
- maintenance of the FreeBSD (*BSD) package