DC simulation |
bridge.sch |
two-dimensional DC sweep |
Mirrors_prj.tar.gz |
collection of current mirror schematics using mos and
bipolar |
charac.sch |
output characteristics of a bipolar transistor |
diff1.sch |
large-signal characteristic of a differential
amplifier |
fgummel.sch |
forward gummel characteristic of a bipolar
transistor |
rgummel.sch |
reverse gummel characteristic of a bipolar
transistor |
preregulator.sch |
simple series pre-regulator circuit |
AC simulation |
swr_meter.sch |
circuit of an SWR meter |
gyrator.sch |
a primitive gyrator circuit |
resonance.sch |
shows voltage overshot of series resonance circuit |
stab.sch |
simulates stability of feedback circuit |
active_bp.sch |
a simple bandpass filter with OpAmp |
active_lp.sch |
active 6th order Chebyshev low-pass filter |
bbv.sch |
a BJT broadband amplifier circuit |
singleOPV.sch |
subcircuit of an small, internally compensated MOS
OpAmp |
gain.sch |
simple example for "singleOPV.sch" (needs the circuit
above to be run) |
notch.sch |
a 50Hz notch filter realized with OpAmp gyrator |
selective_amp.sch |
classic selective RF amplifier |
Amp4.zip |
audio amplifier provided by John H. Ludwig |
MillerAmp_prj.zip |
general purpose amplifier provided by John H.
Ludwig |
bjt_noise.zip |
simple flicker noise simulation for a BJT provided by
Antonio |
1838MHz_PLL_prj.tar.gz |
1838MHz PLL modelling including noise provided by M.J.
Head |
groupdelay_ac.sch |
group delay of a Butterworth filter using AC
simulation |
qucs-radiometer-model.tgz |
radiometer model provided by Andrea Zonca |
Transient simulation |
mixer.sch |
a double-balanced mixer |
lf_osci.sch |
an oscillator for low-frequencies |
rf_osci.sch |
a Peltz oscillator |
colpitts.sch |
a colpitts oscillator with JFET |
classic_osci.sch |
a classic oscillator design |
multiplier.sch |
a charge-pumped voltage multiplier |
active_mixer.sch |
an active, single-balanced mixer |
gilbert.sch |
a gilbert cell mixer |
sym_osci.sch |
a symmetrical MOSFET oscillator |
schmitt.sch |
a schmitt trigger circuit |
colpitts_base.sch |
a colpitts oscillator in common-base circuit |
supply.sch |
a conventional power supply |
chargepump.sch |
a charge-pump circuit doubling the voltage |
lc_osc.sch |
a symmetrical LC CMOS oscillator |
single_balanced.sch |
single-balanced CMOS mixer |
Puls3b.sch |
fast transient pulse generation |
sawtooth-1.sch |
sawtooth generator using simple thyristor, thanks to
Oswald |
sawtooth-2.sch |
sawtooth generator using opamp integrator, thanks to
Oswald |
sawtooth-3.sch |
sawtooth generator using flip-flop |
sawtooth-discreet.sch |
sawtooth generator using thyristor, thanks to
Oswald |
time_resistor.sch |
time-dependent variable resistor |
vfile_test_tran.tar.gz |
test of file-based voltage source |
fullwaverectifier_1.sch |
full-wave rectifier using a transformer and 2
diodes |
fullwaverectifier_2.sch |
Gratz bridge rectifier: a full-wave rectifier using 4
diodes |
buckconverter.sch |
buck converter (step-down DC-DC converter) circuit |
boostconverter.sch |
boost converter (step-up DC-DC converter) circuit |
buckboost.sch |
inverting buck/boost converter circuit |
S-parameter simulation |
elliptic_5th.sch |
a 5th order low pass elliptic filter |
chebyshev1_5th.sch |
a 5th order low pass Chebyshev type 1 filter |
fhr01fh.sch |
small-signal model of a Fujitsu HEMT (including noise
analysis) |
giacoletto.sch |
modified Giacoletto equivalent circuit |
fet.sch |
small-signal model of a high gain FET (subcircuit) |
fet_noise.sch |
noise matching of the FET in fet.sch |
microstrip.sch |
simple examples how to use microstrip components |
bpf_10Ghz.sch |
a microstrip band pass filter created by Toyoyuki
Ishikawa |
opamp_gyrator.sch |
gyrator with operational amplifier |
wilkinson.sch |
an ideal Wilkinson divider |
2StageAmplifier_prj.tar.gz |
building a two-stage RF amplifier with stabilization,
noise and power matching |
groupdelay_sp.sch |
group delay of a Butterworth filter using S-parameter
simulation |
SmithChartTest.sch |
Smith chart example test with a band pass filter |
Digital simulation |
DigitalAdder_prj.tar.gz |
four-bit adder using one-bit halfadders and
fulladders |
flip_flops_models_tran_prj.zip |
collection of flip-flop models usable for digital as
well as transient simulation |
BCD_prj.tar.gz |
four-bit synchronous BCD counter |
Harmonic balance |
diode_hb.sch |
very simple diode setup for demonstration purposes
only |